Thursday, 6 October 2011

R2 VLCD Day #11: -0.9lbs (AKA: Eggs - Get Cracking)

Down almost a full pound today! I have lost 35 lbs from the beginning of my first round to this very morning at 7:30am. Oh man am I in heaven or what?! I'm only a quarter in to this diet and am kickin ass and taking names! Woo!

My facialist, whom you know is also on this diet, told me that she had had some hard boiled eggs when she was doing this phase which is amazing since I didn't even think about eggs! This is what Dr. Simeon says about eggs and Phase 2:

"Occasionally you can have eggs in lieu of a meat. 1 whole egg and 3 whites poached, boiled or even scrambled."
This is so exciting for me! I love hard boiled eggs and am totally sick of grilled chicken and mini-burgers. I was kind of hungry the other day and just needed something solid and ta da! I grabbed a couple of hard boiled eggs from the grocery store and devoured them. Both whites, both yolks. I was nervous about the second yolk as it suggests you only have one but what do ya know? The next morning I'd had a full pound loss! No adverse effects to the eggs at all for me. Yipee! I've been eating hard boiled eggs for a few days now and I'm still losing like crazy. Have I mentioned how much I love this diet? I have? Oh. Well. There ya go.

Tomorrow I will upload a special treat for all of my dedicated readers out there! I will be uploading a video of me injecting myself!! Yaaaaay..........

Hey... why did it get so quiet in here? Hello? Oh jeez... will somebody grab that chick some water? She's looking kind of green... Okay, good times. So yes, a video of me stabbing myself (gently, this time) with a teeny tiny needle and injecting myself with pregnant lady pee horomones. Man that sounds like the next viral video, doesn't it? I think I'm going to be kicked off of youtube.

Tune in tomorrow, kids! Same Bat time, same Bat channel!

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