Wednesday, 19 October 2011

R2 VLCD Day #24: -1.3lbs (AKA: 54lbs Lost Since 1 Year Ago... Whoa!)

So last year at this time I was well over 200lbs. My highest recorded weight, that I recall, was 216lbs. That is one of the first time I've ever actually admitted that weight. Wow. 216... I weighed more than my 50" TV; more than four toddlers in a doggy pile... with a labradoodle... that is more Nicole Richie, Paris Hilton and Angelina Jolie COMBINED!! At 5'1 that is scarily over weight. That's like... pre-diabetic weight. I should have been practicing how to cruise around in a motorized cart due to the future loss of my foot and practicing asking people to tie my shoes since it would have been too much of a work-out to bend down, never mind trying to see them! This is a picture of me on my birthday in 2010, a year ago this past Sunday:

Whoooooooa booty. I look like a Freddy Krueger sausage! (that's like Betty Crocker but in an uglier sweater... yes it was a costume, I am not THAT much of a fashion reject) But jeez I look big. I went to Ireland about a month before this picture and in aaaaall of my Ireland pictures I look just as huge. I barely look at any of the pictures that have me in them soley because I can't stand how I look in them. So sad. The best trip of my life and I am ashamed of how I look. I refuse to feel that way about my wedding pictures.

Now, this picture was taken BEFORE this round, I've lost an additional 17lbs since this picture but it does give a pretty damn good idea of how different I look.... I think?

I'm much less Rolly Poly and much more Arrooooooogah! I've got shapely legs instead of tree trunks and a roll-less waist (while standing, at least!) and I'm so much more comfortable in clothes. I can sit without feeling uncomfortable and even my sleep has gotten better! Not so much fat on my face choking me at night. Even my little sausage fingers are looking much more svelte... that is, if fingers can look svelte.

Either way, I am on track and on my weigh way... to my goal weight of 140lbs. That will be a total loss of 76lbs from my very highest weight on record. Lets just hope I can keep it up but man... I really have no intentions of ever going back and after I reach my goal, I will never even look back.

PS: I would just like to mention that before posting this I read my blog out loud to my fiancee, Nick, who is sitting beside me. I read the part about tying my shoes and he said "You weren't that big!" I showed him the picture commenting on how I looked like the dress was painted on and he says "No way, you look beautiful." Now, ladies, is that a keeper, or what?!

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