Another amazing thing is the food I had for dinner tonight. My friend (let's call her Rambo) sent me this salad dressing from Toronto a couple of weeks ago. It's balsamic vinegar and it touts "Calorie Free Salad Dressings. No calories, fat, carbs, gluten or sugars of any kind!" must be thinking what I was thinking: Ew. Right? After she sent it I had a little taste and it was okay but nothing special, the special part are the ingredients! See the nutritional info below:
Now, if you've been keeping up to date, these are all things I can actually eat on this diet! Basically any spices, white vinegar, balsamic vinegar, mustard and up to half of the juice of a lemon per day. I am all over this shit! I would prefer to remove the things I cannot pronounce but for what the flavour is doing to my dry ass chicken and juicy tomatoes is incredible! I dumped this dressing all over my dinner tonight and I was in heaven! I can definitely eat this for the next 36 days, no problemo. Sooo yummy. Hey Rambo, wanna hook me up with another bottle? This one will be gone in no time.
Other than that, it was a pretty regular day. I am drinking loads of water and one Venti Americano every day (with Splenda, woohoo) and am really enjoying my time so far. No temptations as of yet, still too high on my loss every morning and after doing my first round, 36 more days just doesn't seem that long. It is just so worth it.
I am having more and more trouble with my clothing though, I can barely fit into anything, or at least it can't fit me...? How do I say that everything is too damn big? Whatever, anyway, the things I can fit in to that don't look ridiculous just clearly don't fit right. I want to go shopping so bad but just can't waste the money yet. I am so looking forward to shopping when this is all over though! Nothing better to keep me motivated then a new pair of jeans and not shopping in the petite plus size sections anymore. Does anyone know how to measure your dress size? I usually just went for the largest size and worked my way down until it fit right. I have clothes ranging from a size 12 to an 18 and they all fit the damn same.
Ah well, that's for future me to worry about. Also, future me is incredibly happy and past me is super jealous... in fact, current me is super jealous. Boo-urns future me.. also, you go girl. That made sense, right?