Monday 11 July 2011

VLCD Day #10: -1.0lbs (AKA: Cheater!!)

Woohoo! Down another pound today. I am well on my way to my goal of 20lbs! Over half way there and only a quarter of the way through the diet. Things are getting kinda boring now though and the cravings are getting harder to avoid.

I may have possibly kind of a little bit cheated today... I had... oh gosh this is so hard to admit... I just couldn't avoid it... I just wanted something different... I had... here kernel of caramel corn. OH THE SHAME!! Forgive me HCG Gods! FORGIVE MEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeee... dramatic enough for you? I'm sure I'll pay for it tomorrow. I had one perfect little kernel of Orville's caramel popcorn... it was so crunchy and delicious. I wish I'd savoured it more but I'm glad I refrained from having more than one piece. That's pretty huge for me. Normally I would just pretend it wasn't happening while eating handful after handful. That definitely is the only cheat I had today so I'm skipping one Melba toast and one apple to make up for the sugar and carb.

Actually, I even forgot to take my shot today! I ended up taking it at 4pm when I got home from work. Some of the versions of the diet say to skip one day a week so I'm not too upset by it, I'm more shocked that I could forget! I didn't even eat today until about 12:10pm although I did have a blended ice cap and a delicious iced green tea with Stevia. I even picked up some more flavoured Stevia! This time I got Chocolate Raspberry (they didn't have plain chocolate) tomorrow my coffee will be like a mocha!

I've also been checking out what I can eat on the next phase, even though it's still a month away, but you get to eat some pretty yummy stuff! I'm sure everything will seem like a treat to me when I can eat anything except these very few things I've been eating so far. Still pretty much enjoying the diet although sometimes I consider just ordering a pizza and saying to hell with it! But then I wake up and I'm a pound lighter and my determination is renewed. It's all good.

Till tomorrow! We can find out what damage that little corn did...

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