Monday 18 July 2011

VLCD Day #17: +0.1lbs (AKA: Steak Daaaaay!!!)

So as you can see, I went up 0.1lbs this morning which I'm assuming is due to TOM. So, I decided to go on a mini-steak day to try and counteract the stall. A mini-steak day is where you don't eat anything all day except for a 100g steak and one apple for dinner. I also didn't take my HCG shot today because apparently you're not supposed to when TOM is around. Hopefully this will help with my weightloss tomorrow and get me back on track. If not, I will just suck it up and let TOM do his worst.

I thought I would be hungry today since I haven't eaten anything and haven't had the shot but I barely noticed. I cooked up a bunch more chicken, beef burgers and steak but that's when I got hungry... so I ate my steak and now everything is A-Okay! I'll have my apple before bed because it takes away the heartburn from my coffee.

Lets hope this works and I lose some more tomorrow. This stall is getting on my nerves. Wish me luck!

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