Saturday 2 July 2011

Loading Day 1 & 2 (AKA: Injection Day!!)

Lesson #1: Just because you CAN eat a donut at 7am doesn't mean you SHOULD.

Lesson #2: Carbs and Sugar are not the same thing as Fat.

Lesson #3: $3 for a full breakfast does not = quality meal

As you may have guessed, I decided to start my day off with a donut. A Boston cream donut to be exact. Bad plan. After years of attempting a healthy breakfast, shocking my system with pure sugar at 7am will cause said body to rebel and feel like shit until mass amounts of vegetables and water are consumed. Go figure. Also, following that donut with a greasy spoon breakfast of hashbrowns, fried eggs and bacon is an equally bad idea. Needless to say, my loading day did not turn out as epic as I had pictured.

I didn't even finish the whole donut, I actually had a second donut that I ended up tossing out! When I got to breakfast I felt so gross that I could barely eat. It was pretty disappointing.

I headed over to my appointment at Inner Garden after my "meal" to get my first injection. It was a really simple process to mix the water and HCG. I was really impressed at the simplicity of the whole thing. I injected myself (with a little push and encouragement from Susan) and it seriously didn't hurt! Like, at all! It was a teeny little pinch and then nothing. Very cool. The needle is maybe half an inch long, like the length of a finger nail. It is for diabetics I guess.

After the debacle of this morning have only had a few bad things, after the morning I've been off all day. I missed lunch and ate some crackers and chips while driving like a maniac to catch the ferry. Once we got to the terminal I had a salad and a  hot dog. So lame!

After the ferry we had to wait for another friend so we went for dinner where, like an idiot, I had a caesar salad wrap and a side salad. We got to the campsite around 9:30pm and I munched on Swedish berries and chips but still wasn't feeling it.

The next morning was much better. I love cooking while camping! I made bacon and eggs and my friends made beans and sausages. Then I ate cheddar hot dogs, s'mores, s'moreos (my creation of an Oreo with a piece of chocolate and a marshmallow in it), chips, avocado, steak, potatoes, fiesta salad, chocolate bars, more hot dogs, more s'mores, lots of m&ms, lots of different chips... Etc. Etc. Etc.

Needless to say, I went to bed with a tummy ache. Totally worth it. I put on almost 3 lbs in that one day.

I'm sorry for any spelling mistakes etc. I'm typing this on my iPhone  while waiting for the ferry. Half of this was written on the way here and half on the way back. We didn't sleep very well last night because two 17 yr olds were having exceptionally loud sex in the campsite next to us from the hours of 2am til 4:30am. They were so loud that we could hear every word they said... or moaned. The boy's name was either "Brody" or "Daddy"...she said them both equally as often. Brutal.

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