Sunday 17 July 2011

VLCD Day #16: -0.1 (AKA: Is That... Is That a Stall I see Ahead?)

Well, the loss is a little disappointing today. I'm not even entirely sure how accurate it is because I slept in til 10am where normally I would weight in between 6:30 and 7:30am. Ah well, a loss is a loss is a loss. Right? I heard so many bad things about what can happen when TOM comes to visit and apparently he is trying hard to make me fat. Won't be suprised if I gain over the next couple of days either because I drank at least 3 litres of water yesterday and barely lost anything, although I also had balsamic vinegar yesterday... so maybe it was that. Who knows, but today I skipped the Balsamic and had some pickles for lunch. Just going to test 'em out again, I just love pickles so much.

Nick says he can see that my waist has gotten smaller and now that he says it I can see it too. It looks like both sides are dipping in more than they usually do so either my waist has gotten smaller or my hips and boobs have gotten bigger. Who knows?

A friend of mine told me that The Doctor's did a show on HCG recently as did Dr. Oz and one of the negatives each show pointed out was the cost. They both quoted between $700 - $1000 per month (!!!!!) for the diet which is completely insane! I would just like to point out that my entire cost was about $200 which got me the book, the HCG, the materials (needles, alcohol pads, sterile water etc.) the cleanse beforehand and 1 on 1 24/7 advice from my HCG consultant. When I start round 2 it will only cost me $80 for the HCG and whatever the materials cost. I would never pay that much for a diet, it's completely bonkers. Those people who are paying that are paying for a doctor to inject them every single morning and I think they sell HCG specific food etc. etc. Total scams, anyway.

Also, I would like to point out that on both shows the Homeopathic HCG was torn down a peg because everyone seemed to agree that there was barely any HCG in it and therefore it was completely useless as a weightloss aid. I am on the injectible form and I am buying it from a respectable pharmaceutical company in the states.

Anyway, just wanted to clear that up incase anyone was thinking I was spending ridonkulous amounts of money on this though at the same time... $22 per pound for half a month isn't too bad. I wonder what it will work out to at the end of my 43 days if I was paying $700.


  1. Hey there! Just wondering what pharmaceutical company you were using to get your shots from? Thanks :) Awesome blog, btw! Very inspirational!

  2. I get mine from an online pharmacy based out of the Netherlands lol very tough to get close to home!
