Friday 8 July 2011

VLCD Day #7: +0.5lbs (AKA: Blame it on the Sa-aa-a-a-a-a-alt.)

BOO-F*CKING-URNS! I woke up this morning ready to hit the 10lb mark and instead I was +0.5!! I am assuming it was from the pickles. It is not technically allowed but I figured because it was a cucumber and had no sugar in the ingredients I'd be good but I'm guessing it is from the salt in it. I'm sure I'm retaining salt and that's why I didn't lose anything and instead put some back on! Today I will avoid all salts and just drink ridonkulous amounts of water starting with my fiber supplement and two glasses of tea.

I had an insane dream last  night. Seems that instead of having sex dreams I am having food dreams. I dreamt that I was at a party and started eating a sandwich and chips. Halfway through the sandwich I remembered I was on the diet and told my friend as much. He told me to stop eating then and I said I would in a few bites and started running around the room grabbing as much food as I could and stuffing it in my mouth. I woke up, feeling insanely guilty, just before I had a bite of ice cream and chocolate cake. When I woke up I was dog tired and still thought that I'd broken my diet for a few minutes! I think the dream happened because I felt so annoyed by not losing weight this morning (I woke up at 5am to weight myself then went back to bed). I was going to be so happy being able to say "Lost 10lbs in the first week!". Ah well, c'est la vie. Back on track!

I went for a decent walk today and drank lots of water. Let's hope it's been enough. If not I will do an apple day tomorrow. I'm going out dancing with some friends tonight so that should be good times. Been a long time since I've been to a club haha I'm sure I'll be ready for bed by 9pm.

For dinner I had a strawberry and shrimp spinach salad. I used a bit of balsamic vinegar... I hope that's not a cheat? I skipped my Melba's today just in case. Wish me luck that tomorrow is a drop instead of a gain!

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