Monday 4 July 2011

VLCD Day #3: -1.4 lbs (AKA: 5 lbs lost in two days!! Best Diet EVER)

As you may have noticed in the title, I lost 1.4lbs today! That makes my entire weightloss at 5lbs in only two days!! Loving it! I took the dogs to the dog park today and walked all the way around, seems like my energy is back up and back to normal.

Last night Nick and I decided to go to the movies to see Transformers 3 (very good, BTW!). This seemed like an intensely bad idea because the only reason I go to the movies is for the popcorn. That big bag of warm, buttery and extra salty pieces of heaven. Popcorn is my #1 guilty pleasure. Whether it's microwaved, stove top, fireside or especially movie theatre popcorn. I love it on the stove with olive oil and steak spice or at the theatre with layered butter and extra salt... drool. Just the smell alone drives me crazy and last night was a true test of my willpower. Suprisingly, I was barely tempted at all. The smell was incredible but I didn't actually want to put it in my mouth, I was just enjoying the scent. I didn't even want to touch the bag in fear of, again, letting my skin touch the butter. Thank goodness Nick isn't a snack person like I am. He isn't interested in any of that crap so fortunately he did not provide any extra temptation. I brought along my strawberries left over from dinner and ate those slowly, it helped the craving because it gave my hands something to do.

The hunger has definitely died down and drinking tea has been wonderful. I got a small pang of hunger at around 10:30am but after a coffee it quickly disappeared. I had my lunch at around 11:30am and didn't even finish it! I finished it a couple of hours later but not because I was hungry, simply because I knew I should eat it. I also took some fiber this morning that was left over from my cleanse. I'm hoping this increases my weight loss for tomorrow and keeps me losing at least 1lbs per day if possible. I am hoping to lose about 20lbs on this diet but will be happy with 15 as well, I'm working hard to exceed my expectations though!

It's now 5pm and I'm not even hungry! I will wait a little longer to eat until I'm a bit closer to bed time or at least until I feel hungry. I'm pretty impressed with the diet and how it feels so far. Seems to be working pretty well and it should only get better!

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